A List of the Company of Foot Soldiers Commanded by Captain Simon Herring and his inferrer oficers |
Joshua Herring, Leiught. | Frederick Herring | Jacob Tomson | Thomas Hughes |
Anthony Herring, Ensign | Griffh. Jones | Isaac Dawson | Thos. Boyt |
Richd. Garsnett, Serg. | Gershom Wiggins | John Blake | Thos. Boyt Jr. |
Willm. Hines, Serg. | Gershom Wiggins Jr. | Jossh. Howell | Thos. Serser |
Philip Stone, Serg. | George Boyt | John Cotton | Thos. Tomson |
Arcademus Tompson, Corpl | George Heartsfeld | Lewis Howell | Thos. Dartry |
James Parker, Corpl. | George Holder | Lewis Rown | Thos. Harreson |
George Parker, Corpl. | John Creell | Mager Croom | Thos. Pitt |
David Clark, Corpl. | John Walters | Moses Boyt | Thos. Box |
Thomas Boykin, Corpl. | John West | Mark Handly | Wm. Belk |
Joseph Dawson, Drummer | John Tucker | Nathl. Daniel | Wm. Hullett |
John Boring | Nathl. Walters | Wm. Vining |
Anthony Roving | Jas. Pate | Richd. Deen | Wm. Dawson |
Benjamin Ganier | John Tomson | Richd. Jones | Andrew Bass |
Caleb Hughes | Isaac Hines | Robt. Hines | Saml. Box |
Charles Hopton | Jacob Herring | Robt. Argoe | Wm. Boring |
Charles Hines | Joseph Herring | Richd. Rowland | Wm. Waddoll |
Charles Creell | John Sutton | Robt. Robinson | Willm. Ham |
Daniel Turner | John Roach | Stephen Blackman | Thos. Hood |
Edwd. Hood | John Grant | Stewart Hood | John Johnston |
Edwd. Hood Jr. | Jas. Daniel | Saml. Pate | John Smith |
Edwd. Williams | John Argoe | Saml. Parker | Wm. Walters |
John Roach Jr. | Theophils. Baxer | John Herring | |
John Rowland | Wm. Wiggins | ||
John Grant Jr. |
A True Coppy of the List pr. Jn. Crowsson Ck.
To the Honourable Coll. Lewis Dorassett to lett you know the full curcumstances that my Company is in we have collours and has sent for a Drum and as for other arms but very poorly fixed but few guns and no ammunition nor none to be had of any consequinces. So as your honour or his Excellency is desirous to know from you inferor so Comd. October 7th 1755 Sim. Herring