A List of Alexander Blackshare Serg.
Belonging to the Company of Daniel Simmons Capt.
Humphrey Wilks | |
Tobias Miller | William Jones |
Sam Blackshare | John Gillyam |
Elisha Stout Blackshare | Thom. Smith |
Daniel Miller | Wm. Whitehead |
<name scratched out> | Jno. Hill |
Gabriel Pichson | Abram Bayley |
John Perry Senr. | Robert Perry |
John Sanders | John Perry |
Isaac Barrins | John Gilbert |
Tho. Bradshear Senr. | <name scratched out> |
Thos. Bradshear Junr. | |
Michael Shelfer | |
Abram Bushel | |
Jno. Oliver | |
Jam or Jno. Mackdaniel | |
William Morris | |
Pr. Robert Grimes Serjant | |
Samuel Collins | Stephen Willcocks |
Joseph Sanders | George Mallad |
Saml. Pegget | John Mallad |
Tho. Hog | Francis Blount |
Joseph Collins | William Nellson |
Wm. Wickliff | Daniel Mallad |
Tho. Simson | Auther Lipsey |
Wm. Arrinston | Joseph Asher |
John Lee | Clement Armstrong |
Solomon Lee | Macke Nevars (?) |
Aaron Fox | Lemuel Stakes |
Nathan Parsons | Sam. Frayzer |
Stephen Parsons Chacter | Owen Owens |
Peter Omyet | Miah Botten |
Peter Andrews | |
Peter Andrews Jn. | |
Florence Jep(?) | |
Benjamin Simmons | |
Jaim. Sayor | |
John Morris | |
<faded> John Serj. Belonging to the within Comp. | |
Charles King | |
Samuel King | |
Christian Kinsey | |
Samuel Kinsey | |
Joseph Kinsey | |
John Snead | |
Larence Hall | |
William Wheyley | |
Tho. Hays | |
Harmon Howerd | |
Wm. Howard | |
David George | |
Thos. Herring | |
Edward Williams | |
William Williams | |
John Williams | |
Tho. Thessher | |
John <smeared> | |
William Cheyney | |
Called Over | |
Daniel Simmins | |
Test. |