Edna Rafert93. Edna Engel Lisette Rafertwas born on Oct 16 1895 in Indianapolis, Marion County, IN. She died on May 8 1951 in Indianapolis, Marion County, IN. The following was written by Alma Rafert Welp (Memories - 1983):
Edna was five years older than I. Our father's death seemed to make her a more moody and nervous person. Many nights she cried herself to sleep. She began working at a grocery at age 12 and at age 14 she worked for a milliner. On Saturdays she worked at uncle Doc's grocery store. Later she took a business course and worked as a stenographer for a shoe company. She married Gus Westerhoff when in her 50s. This marriage proved to be a very unhappy one. (Edna) had a great love for all her nieces and nephews. She visited us every year at Campbell Hill. She enjoyed travel all of her life."

She was married to Gustav Westerhoff in Nov 1949 in Indianapolis, Marion County, IN.

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