Walt Rafert94. Walter Carl Christian Rafertwas born on Sep 10 1897 in Indianapolis, Marion County, IN. He died on Mar 17 1924. The following was written by Alma Rafert Welp:

"Walt was a likeable boy, always teasing someone, all in fun. He loved sports of all kind. At age 14, after two weeks of High School, he developed St. Vitus Dance. It took a whole year for his recovery. It was very sad to see him. He could not hold still long enough to take a dose of medicine, or to be fed. It took two of us to keep him covered in bed. Finally in the spring he would go to a hammock, there I read papers every day and all the sports, he wanted every item."

"After recovering he worked for Sentinal Printing Company until he enlisted in the Marines during the First World War.  He was very excited about going overseas, I still have a letter he wrote me while in service.  The war ended before he shipped out and he was honorably discharged after the war. He had a heart murmer. He again worked at Sentinal Printing. He was also very active in church, Walther League, and sports till his marriage in 1921 to Edna Bleck. He died at age 26, following an attack of Grippe (Flu). He went back to work too soon and contracted Typhoid Fever. Then his heart failed. This was a severe blow to Mom and all of us. Worse yet to his wife and two small children, Walter and Jean. Jean was three months old when Walt died."

He was married to Edna Johanna Bleck on Jun 16 1921 in Indianapolis, Marion County, IN. After Walt's death Edna married Louis Schmidt. Edna was born on Oct 7 1900 in Indianapolis, Indiana and died on Sep 16 1974 in Seattle, WA.

Walter Carl Christian Rafert and Edna Johanna Bleck had the following children:

child+141 i. Walter Edward Rafert.
child+142 ii. (Edna) Jean Rafert.

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