James Carrway, Lieut.
William Bryant, Ensine William Vaughan, Clark Salusuis Justis, Sargant Charles Shaneywolf, Sargant Frances Delamas, Sar. Joseph Edmondson, Corporal James Conway, Corporal Thomas Delamas, Cor. James Roberts John Vonderick John <unreadable> John Franklin Benjamni Gutnay + Peter Sendick X Thomas ?tell Peter Kimon (?) Mickal Kimon (?) Isaac Hertherly Jonathan Hertherly John Bedfoot John Ackis Furnifold Green Juner Peter Green <marked out, unreadable> X William Fulfhar Wm. Rusel Francis Dawson Juner Francis Bond John More Jonas Eives Jacub Pound Sener Eja. Johnston Thomas Carrway Juner Isaac Simmons Percy Johston John Fulfhar Antonay Moor John Good Richard Fulfhar Daniel Vandrick Crist. (?) Dawson Robart Burnet Leass (?) Justis Wm. Bedfeat Valinetine Hukell + Thomas Marten X Benjamon Bush + Arthur Carraway X Thomas Nelson William Carraway Charles Resen Crist. (?) Bowers ?eub Grinder John Carraway James Edmondson Thomas Edmonson + John Berrey X Joseph Johnston Thomas Franklin Lewes Brian Garret Hinnon + Solomon Euseton X Thomas Green Abb. Johnston John Johnston Rolling More Jacub Jones Juner Joseph Hertherly John Rusell X John Green ??acks Fuflhar John Brian <faded> Jo<faded> Spig<faded> Samuel Lu<faded> Joseph Jus<faded> James Carr<faded> John Biggs<faded> Fornoy Freen Sener Nicklas Has<faded> Wm. Lee + Richard Russell X Benjaman Hall John Millar Called over and find the delinquent |
<There is no explanation given on these pages for the '+" and the 'X'>
Abstracted from the Original at the North Carolina Archives by Joel S. Russell